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Friday, February 8, 2013

Lower HVAC Costs by Finding the Perfect Indoor Humidity Level this Winter

Living in Omaha, it can get pretty cold in the winter, so managing indoor humidity is a great way to improve the comfort of your home and lower the cost of running your HVAC in Omaha, New York, Chicago or where ever you call home. Unfortunately, getting to that “just right” moisture level during an Omaha winter can be a challenge. When humidity is too high, excessive moisture can create havens for mold and mildew. Allow it to go too low, and you’ll feel uncomfortable—dry and chilled to the bone.

So what’s the secret to staying comfortable and protecting your health this winter? Read on for some tips to achieve optimal indoor humidity. 

Install Humidity Sensors
The first step to achieving a good humidity balance is knowing exactly how much moisture the air in your home contains.
To accomplish this task, you’ll need to invest in a hygrometer. Available in most hardware stores, hygrometers measure relative humidity. Place one in a space that you use often, but be sure to keep it way from radiators and heat registers. Most experts recommend an optimal relative humidity level of somewhere between 40 and 60 percent—though this level may vary depending on the weather outside.

Make Sure Your Home is Weatherized
If you suffer from especially dry indoor air during the winter, your home may not be adequately sealed against outdoor air. Cold air loses its ability to retain moisture. When this cool, dry air makes its way into your home, it will lose even more moisture as it is circulated through your heating system. To prevent this problem from sapping your home’s moisture, it’s a good idea to schedule a home energy audit with a qualified Omaha HVAC company. A technician will be able to pinpoint areas of your home that are leaking air.

Replace Your Old Windows
If your efforts to increase indoor humidity produce a buildup of ice and moisture on your windows, it may be time to replace them with new, energy efficient models. Inefficient windows are more prone to fogging and icing, so be sure to invest in a product with a U-value of 0.35 or less. Insulated double-pane windows are an especially good choice. Efficient windows give you the added advantage of sealing your home from outdoor air, making it easier to control your indoor humidity levels.

Install a Humidifier
Installing a humidifier is a must for any homeowner seeking to relieve dry indoor air. Automatic humidifiers are a smart choice due to their minimal maintenance requirements. These options come with built-in hygrometers, allowing you to set an ideal humidity level without the need to constantly adjust your humidifier. A qualified HVAC technician can help you install an automatic humidifier system in your home.

If you’re interested in learning more about products to improve your indoor air quality, head to our indoor air cleaning and air filtration page. Get informed on how the professionals perform and service your HVAC system in Omaha by reading more about us

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